A High-Quality Life For $1,100 a Month in Kampot

A High-Quality Life For $1,100 a Month in Kampot

I can’t imagine a better standard of living,” says Matt Mancini, waving a hand to encompass the city of Kampot, Cambodia. It’s a riverside town in the south of the country that has historically been a refuge from the Southeast Asian hot season. A place that grows almost visibly week to week, and yet it still seems somehow embedded in the past.

An Old U.S. Base Becomes an Asian Retirement Hot Spot

An Old U.S. Base Becomes an Asian Retirement Hot Spot

An idyllic setting in an exotic destination, with Western-style comforts and services. A place where communities exist within a pristine, conserved habitat, but which also offers golf courses, water sports, and amusement parks. All that, at Southeast Asian prices. Oh yes, it exists! And the clincher? Over 90% of the population speaks English.